
Diaorigin, based out of France, is a Professional CDMO Service Company involved in the services for In Vitro Diagnostic Research.

The company is engaged in the following services, to name a few.

  1. Construction of High Expression Cell Lines
  2. Duplication of all Antigens and Antibodies
  3.  Mass production of Antigens and Antibodies
  4.  Whole protein sequencing
  5.  Humanization of antibody for drug discovery

With its patented Switchable Membrane Reporter (SwIMR) system, Diaorigin is able to manufacture and duplicate peptides and proteins on a large scale, at a very low cost, in a short duration, with no compromise on quality. In addition, the company is also involved in large scale manufacturing of Industrial reagents, such as Interference Eliminating Proteins (IEPs).

For placing orders or for any queries, kindly write to us at info@osbindia.com